Category Archives: Uncategorized

We’re stuck at ~4% inflation rate.

This post shows that we continue to track to 4% inflation, twice the Federal Reserve’s target. The Fed announced this week that we would not see 2% inflation until 2025. That sounds right: recent monthly rates show no trend to 2% inflation. They show

Japan: a wonderful experience, #1

Patti and I have been back three weeks now, and we reflect on what a wonderful experience we had in Japan. It was very different from here. I describe some of the visual, physical differences that I will not forget.


Terrain. Mountains, mountains,

Do you own the KING of mutual funds?

In the long run, index funds will outperform: the chances are 15 of 16 that you’ll have as much or more in the future from an index fund than from an actively managed mutual fund. I am surprised that less than 20% of the value

What’s the redemption value of your I-bond? When and how do you redeem it?

If you first bought an I-bond last year like I did, I suspect you are a bit confused on the redemption value of your I-bond, when to redeem it and how to redeem it. I was not clear when I wrote this post. This

We’re still at a 4% inflation rate

This post shows that we continue to track to 4% inflation, twice the Federal Reserve’s target. Why do I track inflation? I track the recent trends in inflation since high inflation hurts the ability of companies to earn appropriate returns and grow. High inflation consumes

BIG TRIP. I’ll see you in June.

Hi. Patti and I have a big trip to Japan for the next three Fridays. It’s a mix of two tours. One “culinary”, that is in rural parts of Japan. The other is walking parts of two famous pilgrimage trails. We are looking forward to

Should you buy an I-bond now – or keep the one you bought last year?

Treasury announced the six-month rate that applies to I-bonds – bonds with an interest rate that adjusts for current inflation. The rate of 4.3% APR applies to bond you buy between now and the end of October; the rate applies for six-months if you already

When will we budge from 4% inflation rate?

This post shows that we continue to track to 4% inflation, twice the Federal Reserve’s target. Why do I track inflation? I track the recent trends in inflation since high inflation hurts the ability of companies to earn appropriate returns. Efforts to stamp out inflation

What percent of investors are self-reliant – confident enough to make their own investment decisions?

This post summarizes data from the ICI Factbook 2022 that I mentioned last week. Retail investors like you and me are 94% of the capital invested in mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Index funds are now almost half the total invested in

What percent of the market is Index funds?

The report “Shooting the Messenger” that I mentioned in this blog states that 25% to 35% of the total value of all stocks is held by Index investors. I was not able to follow the math. In this post, I cite a different

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