Monthly Older Posts: December 2020

How much should you worry about 2021?

Merry Christmas!!! A week or so ago, I Zoom-attended a talk by Stuart Hoffman of PNC. Stu was Chief Economist for PNC for decades. You’ve probably heard him on NPR or seen him on TV. Stu has been recognized as an accurate forecaster of our

How many ways can you recast your portfolio?

This is the time of year I recast our portfolio, and you should spend the time to recast yours. Segment it and add it up in different ways. You’ll have a better view of the strength of your portfolio. You’ll know you can control risk

Use this calculation sheet to find your Safe Spending Amount next year.

You must recalculate to see if your annual Safe Spending Amount (SSA) increases (See Chapters 2 and 9, Nest Egg Care.) You need a spreadsheet for this calculation. The purpose of this post is to provide you with a simpler spreadsheet than I have

How big is your retirement pay increase for 2021?

If you use November 30 to calculate your upcoming annual Safe Spending Amount [SSA, See Chapter 2, Nest Egg Care (NEC)] you HAD TO calculate to a real increase for your 2021 spending. You earned back more this year than you withdrew last year at

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