Monthly Older Posts: August 2024

Traveling. See you in a few weeks.

Patti and I are off to Europe for a couple of weeks. We are taking this trip with friends; we generally just travel by ourselves, but I’m sure this will be fun. We stay in three places all within two hours or less from each

Why would anyone own bonds for holding periods longer than seven years?

I generally think of STOCKS ONLY for holding periods longer than seven years if I were in the Save and Invest phase of life. The conventional advice might be 60% stocks and 40% bonds. A popular Target Date fund for 2030 (VTHRX) –

Inflation in July was very low. That makes three months of very low inflation.

The inflation report issued Wednesday showed a third month of low inflation. Core inflation for the last three months is at an annual rate of 1.6%. These are the lowest three months in more than four years, before the start of sharp monthly increases in

You need a spreadsheet for your 2024 tax plan.

I complete my first draft of my tax plan for 2024 this time of year. This post provides a spreadsheet for your tax plan. You want an estimate of your 2024 tax return for three reasons:


1) You want to know how much taxes

Can you win the fight to avoid the nearby IRMAA tripwire?

Nope, not in the long run. If are on Medicare and have a relatively large traditional IRA, you are going to get closer and closer to income that results in your crossing a tripwire for a Medicare premium surcharge. IRMAA surcharges cost single filers ~$1,000

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