Monthly Older Posts: January 2019

Tax planning: put your focus on MAGI.

It’s simpler and clearer to understand how we make the most of our money – pay the least in taxes – when we understand and plan our Modified Adjusted Gross Income or MAGI. When we understand MAGI, we know how to pay the least taxes

How badly did actively managed funds perform relative to index funds in 2018?

The answer: it looks very bad for funds and fund families that pride themselves on being better than average. That’s what I conclude as I look over the results of Fidelity funds and the flagship fund from American Funds. This post highlights the poor

$2,000 saved and invested in 1983. It’s $81,000 now. Lots to ENJOY!

I contributed $2,000 to my IRA each year for many years. IRAs that gave a tax deduction for that $2,000 started in about 1981, and I jumped on board. I invested $2,000 each year, the allowable maximum at the time.


I thought of each

What segments of US stocks outperformed in 2018?

I like looking at the Vanguard Style Box (I call it a Nine Box.) at the end of the year to get a snapshot of what segments of stocks outperformed and underperformed the US stock market as a whole. This post discusses the 2018 snapshot.

What did Nest Eggers score in calendar 2018?

Market returns were not good for the calendar year. This is clearly the worst year in decade. Here are the annual returns for stocks and bonds for the past four years following the recommendations in Nest Egg Care – using the specific mutual funds and

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