The purpose of this post is to explain how Social Security (SS) calculates the Cost of Living Adjustment – COLA – each year. Your SS benefit increases by the percentage COLA to maintain the same spending power over time. I also use the percentage COLA
The purpose of this post is to explain how your Social Security (SS) benefit is taxed. The percentage taxed ranges from 0% to 85%. How is the exact percentage calculated? When I google the question, I find the descriptions are VERY CONFUSING. It’s important to
Yes, you should consider paying yourself MORE than your calculated Safe Spending Amount (SSA) particularly at the start of your retirement plan. You calculate your annual SSA in Nest Egg Care (NEC). (See Chapter 2). Paying yourself MORE than that probably doesn’t sound quite
What are the real – inflation-adjusted – expected returns for stocks and bonds? Expected returns – the average annual return rates we’ve experienced over a long history – are 7.1% for stocks and 3.1% for bonds. I think these rates of return are a good