Monthly Older Posts: June 2024

How do you avoid the headache of the “five-year rule” for withdrawals from Roth IRAs?

I converted some Traditional IRA to Roth in 2018 and in 2019 and withdrew some in 2021. The rules that determine whether or not my withdrawal would be tax-free were a bit confusing. This post describes the key “five-year rule” or aging period for withdrawals

How are tripwires of income that trigger greater Medicare premiums (IRMAA) calculated?

Each October Medicare announces the standard premium that all those on Medicare pay, the greater Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts (IRMAA), and the tripwires of income that trigger higher monthly premiums. I view these higher monthly premiums or surcharges as a tax on those with high

Inflation – sort of – nose-dived in May.

Wednesday’s news covered the lower-than-expected inflation for May. A couple of measures nose-dived. It’s just one month, though: the recent months still average closer to 4% inflation than 2% inflation. I display a table and the same six graphs that I use to follow the

We met the prior high for US stocks this week.

On Wednesday, the real, inflation-adjusted value of US stocks met its prior highwater mark in November 2021.In less than a year later, we reached the trough of 30% decline. It’s a battle to recover from that steep of a decline over a year. I reported

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