Annually rebalancing back to our chosen mix of stocks and bonds is far more important for us retirees than it is for younger folks. Rebalancing is “required” when you’re following the CORE principles in Nest Egg Care.
We use a Retirement Withdrawal Calculator (RWC) to help us find our Safe Spending Rate (SSR%), and the calculator also tells us, in effect, How To Invest to be confident in that Safe Spending Rate.
Last week the Social Security Administration announced a 2.0% increase for inflation (COLA or Cost-of-Living Adjustment) for 2018. What’s this mean for me and for you?
1. Social Security payments will increase by 2% starting in January. That’s the increase before the deduction of
I discuss Why I Wrote This Book in Chapter 1 of Nest Egg Care and also here. Both of those reflect “the nice” me. As time goes by and the more I think about it, the more frustrated and cynical I get. The “angrier