Tom’s Blog

If you don’t have one, should you open a Roth IRA account?

YES. And NOW. I’m 74 and I just opened my first Roth IRA account in December. I should have opened one years ago – more like 10 or 15 – and gotten money into Roth at lowest tax cost. This post explains why you want

You can expect your RMD to double by your age 83

We Nest Eggers always plan for the worst: we assume we’ll be faced with the worst sequence of financial returns ever and that assumption determines how much we spend and how we invest. This post shows that your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) doubles in real

Could you ever trip into the 32% bracket because of the size of your IRA?

We’re consumed about Never Running Out of Money when we’re retired. We always spend and invest thinking we will hit the worst sequence of returns in history. But we may have a different – but nice – problem if returns are average: we’ll have a

This seems incredible: $1 more MAGI can trigger added $2,400 in Medicare premiums

Last week’s post discussed MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income). We retirees want to understand MAGI and estimate our MAGI for our current tax year. What I failed to appreciate in prior years is the fairly BIG BITE that can hit retirees when MAGI crosses specific

Tax planning: put your focus on MAGI.

It’s simpler and clearer to understand how we make the most of our money – pay the least in taxes – when we understand and plan our Modified Adjusted Gross Income or MAGI. When we understand MAGI, we know how to pay the least taxes

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