Tom’s Blog

Do Active funds underperform by their added costs?

The simple math states that both Index funds and Actively managed mutual funds should underperform the market by their costs. It’s pretty clear that this math works for Index funds, but does the historical data support this conclusion for Actively managed funds? Yes, it does.

Will we budge from 4% inflation rate?

The final piece of inflation data for February came this morning. We seem to be stuck on a 4% inflation rate. This post displays a table and four graphs that I use to see the trends in inflation.



The two most widely-reported measures

Has Warren Buffet lost it?

Warren Buffet has the best, longest record of stock picking in history. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK), a closed-end mutual fund in effect, outperformed the S&P 500 by eight percentage points per year for 40 years. But in the last 15, BRK has trailed the S&P 500

What are the chances Index funds will outperform Active funds?

Last week I realized I had not read a recent SPIVA® scorecard report that compares the performance of Active funds to their benchmark index. My prior post on a detailed report was in 2018. I was not looking forward to reading the latest report because

What are the costs of holding Active funds?

I liked this article, “Index Funds’ True Advantages.” The author took a sample of 15 Index Funds and 15 low-cost Active funds and compared them over 15 years. While this is a very small sample – much smaller than the universe of funds examined

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